After 15 years of golf cart parades, Barbara Hale turned over the leadership of the Paradise Lakes Golf Cart Parades to Doug and I. We were so honored she chose us. After the Covid quarantines fractured the community, we saw the parades as a way to bring everyone back together and we couldn't wait to get started!
We decided to bump the parades from 4x a year, to once a month. This community needed more fun...and by golly, we were going to bring it! The first parade we led was Nakey's Thanksgiving Day Parade, followed by Christmas Cookies and Cocktails on Lot 32. In 2022, we did a Chili Cook Off, Valentine's Day Parade, a Mardi Gras Parade, St Patty's Day, Easter Parade, Memorial Day Parade, Rainbow Fest Parade, Independence Day Parade, a Magical Mystery Beatles Trivia, and a Labor Day Parade. The community came together for the Poker Run,in August and managed to raise $1250 for Build That Home, a rehabilitation house for victims of human trafficking, co-sponsored by The Wesley Chapel Rotary Club and The Land O Lakes Rotary Club.
One of the things we heard, was the need for a private website. I hated seeing Facebook banning our members for the occasional boob shot that appeared in a photo. Also, some of our Paradise Lakes Golf Cart Family members have jobs where they don't want their bosses, clients. or family members watching their every move. So, we created this website! You'll find a members forum, galleries of past events, and a way to RSVP for events so that only those who need to know will know. We've even created "awards" to show participation. Be sure to sign up for the e-mails so you can be reminded via email when the parades are. We hope you like the site and welcome any suggestions.
We have a great year ahead of us - but let's knock out this upcoming Halloween parade, shall we?
Line up at the mailboxes at 6:30pm for the kick-off party!
I'll have mystery judges looking for the following:
Scariest Golf Cart
Tackiest Golf Cart
Most Creative Golf Cart
We'll leave the mailboxes and head out at 7pm with the following schedule:
7:05 Little Magens Loop
7:10 The Terraces
7:15 Lazy Days
7:20 The Fountains
7:25 Phase 3
7:30 Buildings H-A
7:40 Buildings K-L-M
7:45 Buildings N-O-P
7:50 Buildings V-U-T
7:55 Negril Cout
8:00 Lot 32 (Swanbourne & Sunpoint) for the awards!
We'll also have an award for the best decorated property, and the best decorated shot stop!
If you'd like to sponsor an award and get a shout out for you or your company, please contact me at for details.
We'll head back over to Lot 32 at 8pm to announce the winners!